Territorial male behavior conforming to Zipf's law during a territorial breakdown

YOSHIHIKO KANOH, HIROMI ITOH (1997) Bull. Seifu Gakuen Vol. 12: 101-116
Sec. Biology, Seifu High Sch. Tennoji-ku, Osaka, 543 Japan


In the rose bitterlings Rhodeus ocellatus, which spawn into mussels, pair and group spawnings were observed. Sneaker males often performed pre-oviposition ejaculation (ejaculating movement by male before female egglaying; Kanoh. The relative success rate of territorial males versus sneaker males, on an individual basis, was negatively correlated with male density. It looks like an adaptable behavior when the territorial males abandon their own territories triggered by increasing of the male density. In this study to exalnine timing of sneaker male ejaculation, I counted the time interval between conservative behaviors (reaction to other individuals) of territorial male and its frequency. I obtained three types of behavioral distribution as the characteristic of a particular phase; I ) periodic distribution as a result of short chasing movements in a formative phase of the territory, U) exponential distribution as a result of conservative movements toward invaders andlor females coming into the territory with a constant probability in a stable phase of the territory, V) power law distribution with exponent D=1, which is called Zipf's law, in a break-down phase of the territoty. Also in the break-down phase, a decrease in defensive rate and a increase in ejaculation frequency of sneaker males were observed. Gunji et al. proposed a model rest upon the autonomous alternation of generation and degeneration of information. In the model exact and universal 1/f noise or distribution exactly conforming to Zipf's law occurs independent of the notion of phase space. It shows that it looks as if phase transition in a phase space proceeded, while there is no well-defined order parameter. The behaviors in the break-down phase, can be attributed to indefiniteness of information possessed by the territorial males in the local situations.


加納義彦、伊藤博美 (1997) 清風学園紀要 Vol. 12: 101-116


 貝に産卵するバラタナゴRhodeus Ocellatusでは、ペア産卵とグループ産卵が観察される。